Seth’s Education Manifesto

Seth Godin has published a sharply written manifesto about  our  educational system that is still based on  early 20th century thinking designed to train factory workers in a post industrial 21st century society,  and how it can be reinvented and revolutionized.  It is called Stop Stealing Dreams, and it’s long at 30,000 words, but worth the read, especially starting at section 17.  The following is an excerpt, and the link is also posted below.

“What is school for?

It seems a question so obvious that it’s hardly worth asking. And yet there are many possible answers. Here are a few (I’m talking about public or widespread private education here, grade K through college):

To create a society that’s culturally coordinated.-School isn’t nearly as good at this as television is.

To further science and knowledge and pursue information for its own sake.- We spend a fortune teaching trigonometry to kids who don’t understand it, won’t use it, and will spend no more of their lives studying math. We invest thousands of hours exposing millions of students to fiction and literature, but end up training most of them to never again read for fun.

To enhance civilization while giving people the tools to make informed decisions.-Even though just about everyone in the West has been through years of compulsory schooling, we see ever more belief in unfounded theories, bad financial decisions, and poor community and family planning. People’s connection with science and the arts is tenuous at best, and the financial acumen of the typical consumer is pitiful.

To train people to become productive workers.”